March Snow, Claribel, More Salmagundi, & Andrew's Amazing Poem

Twenty inches of snow here as of 9am this morning. I’m leaving tomorrow for San Francisco; I will take the bus north two hours to meet G and we’ll drive the two more hours north to her home in Fort Bragg, on the Pacific Coast. Though the snow continues through the morning I feel relief that February has passed and March, a new word, a new sound—snappish and terse—has arrived. We are connected to the weather here, dependent on the agreeability of the day. Today everything shut down. A family on cross-country skis drifted down the street and a man called out to them, “I wish I had the money for skis. I wish I had the money not to go to work today.”

G calls to tell me that the baby in her belly, her daughter already called by name, has dropped and that her belly isn’t round but baby-shaped. It’s hard to move, to sit down, to breathe. She is ready to have her out. I hope Claribel waits for me. I think she will.

Two Things to Check Out:

In honor of the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, and all the women in our lives, The Salmagundi Series Presents: We’ve Come A Long Way Baby!

Join us for a night of skits, songs, poetry and more as we celebrate women who have carved their own paths in life, and in doing so, opened doors for so many more, this Saturday evening, March 12th at Parima Restaurant

Opening set by Jake Smith and friends from Lakes of Canada

Please contact jen berger at for more information or with questions.

$10 suggested donation

Our friend Kathleen Smith embodied so much of this; mother, social worker, artist, intellectual, gardener, chef, community member, friend. This show is in her honor.

Search Algorithm  a poem by Andrew Nurkin in the online journal, Drunken Boat.

"Originally from Atlanta, Andrew Nurkin currently lives in New Jersey and is pursuing his MFA at the Vermont College of Fine Arts. His poems have appeared in Peregrine, Palimpsest, Rattle, and Southern Voices. He was rrecently nominated for a Pushcart Prize."

Andrew is also a fellow VCFA student, amazing person, and dear friend. This poem, "Search Algorithm," is perhaps his best poem to date. I anticipate many more to come.


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